Party Games

Friendsgiving Party Games & Activities: Making Your Celebration Unforgettable

Friendsgiving is all about celebrating the bond of friendship with a festive feast and a lot of laughter.

While the food is a big part of the celebration, the activities and games you choose can elevate the entire experience, turning your gathering into a memorable event.

Whether you’re planning a cozy dinner or a lively party, here are some fun Friendsgiving activities and party games to keep the good vibes going.

Friendsgiving Activities to Kick Off the Fun

Friendsgiving Activities to Kick Off the Fun
Friendsgiving Activities to Kick Off the Fun

1. DIY Gratitude Jar

  • Set up a station where guests can write down what they’re thankful for on slips of paper and drop them into a jar. After dinner, you can take turns reading them aloud, sharing heartfelt moments, and reflecting on the blessings in your lives.

2. Friendsgiving Photo Booth

  • Create a festive photo booth with props like pilgrim hats, turkey glasses, and autumn leaves. Encourage your guests to take fun photos throughout the night, creating lasting memories of the celebration.

3. Potluck Recipe Swap

  • Ask each guest to bring a dish and the recipe that goes with it. After dinner, everyone can swap recipes, share the love of cooking, and perhaps discover new favorites to add to their own collections.

4. DIY Pumpkin Decorating

  • Set up a table with small pumpkins and decorating supplies like paint, glitter, and markers. Guests can get creative and take their decorated pumpkins home as a keepsake from the night.

5. Friendsgiving Playlist Creation

  • Before the event, ask each guest to submit a few of their favorite songs. Compile them into a Friendsgiving playlist that you can play throughout the evening, making sure the music is as unique and varied as your group of friends.

Friendsgiving Party Games to Keep the Laughter Going

Friendsgiving Party Games
Friendsgiving Party Games

1. “Who Said That?”

  • Before the event, collect funny or memorable quotes from each guest (either from past Friendsgivings or everyday life). During the party, read the quotes aloud and have everyone guess who said what. It’s a great way to reminisce and share laughs.

2. Friendsgiving Bingo

  • Create bingo cards with squares filled with common Friendsgiving occurrences (e.g., “Someone asks for seconds,” “A spill happens,” “A toast is made”). As things happen throughout the night, guests can mark off their cards. The first to get a bingo wins a prize!

3. Friendsgiving Trivia

  • Compile a list of trivia questions related to Thanksgiving, Friendsgiving, or even your group’s inside jokes. Divide the guests into teams and see who knows the most about the holiday and each other.

4. “Two Truths and a Lie: Friendsgiving Edition”

  • Have each guest share two true statements and one false statement about past Friendsgivings or Thanksgiving experiences. The rest of the group has to guess which one is the lie. It’s a fun way to learn more about your friends.

5. Charades: Thanksgiving Edition

  • Create a charades game with Thanksgiving-themed actions and phrases (e.g., “stuffing a turkey,” “watching the parade,” “falling asleep after dinner”). It’s a lively game that will have everyone laughing.

Friendsgiving Games to Play After Dinner

Friendsgiving Games to Play After Dinner
Friendsgiving Games to Play After Dinner

1. “What’s on Your Phone?”

  • This game is a modern twist on the classic scavenger hunt. Create a list of items that guests might have on their phones (e.g., a picture of their pet, a selfie with a group, a food delivery app). The person with the most items on the list wins.

2. “Pictionary: Thanksgiving Edition”

  • Just like regular Pictionary, but with a Thanksgiving twist! Create cards with Thanksgiving-related words and phrases. Guests take turns drawing the clues while their team guesses. This is a fun way to get creative and competitive.

3. Friendsgiving Scavenger Hunt

  • Create a scavenger hunt around the house or even outdoors if you’re feeling adventurous. The items on the list can be related to Thanksgiving (e.g., a fall leaf, a mini pumpkin) or inside jokes from your group. The first person or team to find all the items wins!

4. The “Leftovers” Game

  • After dinner, play a game where guests have to come up with creative ways to use the leftovers. This can be a simple discussion or turned into a more competitive format where each idea is voted on. The most creative idea wins a prize (perhaps even taking home the leftovers!).

5. “Friendsgiving Feud”

  • Divide guests into two teams and play a Friendsgiving-themed version of Family Feud. Prepare questions related to Thanksgiving, friendship, or even specific to your friend group. This game can spark some friendly competition and lots of laughs.

Friendsgiving is a special time to celebrate with those you hold dear. By adding these activities and games to your gathering, you’ll create an atmosphere of fun and camaraderie that your friends will remember long after the plates are cleared.

Whether you’re crafting together, laughing over games, or sharing heartfelt moments, these ideas will ensure your Friendsgiving is as warm and joyful as the friendships you’re celebrating.

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