
100 Best Debate Topics for High School, College, and Middle School Students

Debates are an exciting way for students to build critical thinking, public speaking, and persuasion skills.

Whether you’re a teacher looking to spark classroom discussions or a student preparing for a debate competition, having the right debate topics is essential.

To help you prepare, we’ve compiled a list of the 100 fun debate topics for high school, middle school, and college students, along with a few fun and thought-provoking options for kids.

Let’s dive into a range of categories from social issues to science and technology, so you can find the perfect debate topic for any audience.

100 Fun Debate Topics

Debate Topics for High School Students

  1. Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
  1. Is social media beneficial or harmful to society?
  1. Should schools implement a four-day school week?
  1. Should high school students have part-time jobs?
  1. Should standardized testing be abolished?
  1. Is it ethical to use animals for testing and research?
  1. Do violent video games lead to increased violence in real life?
  1. Should high school athletes be paid?
  1. Is climate change the biggest threat to humanity?
  1. Should the death penalty be abolished?

High school students are ready to explore deeper social and ethical issues. These debate topics allow them to grapple with real-world problems while improving their reasoning and argumentation skills.

Debate Topics for College Students

  1. Is free college education feasible and beneficial?
  1. Should student loan debt be forgiven?
  1. Is artificial intelligence more beneficial or dangerous to society?
  1. Should college athletes be paid for their performances?
  1. Is cancel culture a legitimate form of social justice?
  1. Should the government regulate social media platforms more heavily?
  1. Does social media have a negative impact on democracy?
  1. Is capitalism the best economic system?
  1. Should the U.S. adopt universal healthcare?
  1. Should the minimum wage be raised?

College students often deal with complex and nuanced issues. These debate topics challenge them to examine societal structures and propose changes that could impact the future. They encourage intellectual rigor and stimulate dynamic conversations.

Debate Topics for Middle School Students

  1. Should students be required to wear uniforms?
  1. Is homework beneficial for students?
  1. Should schools ban junk food?
  1. Are school lunches healthy enough?
  1. Should cell phones be allowed in the classroom?
  1. Is it better to have year-round schooling?
  1. Should middle school students start learning a second language earlier?
  1. Is it fair to grade students based on their performance in group projects?
  1. Should schools eliminate letter grades?
  1. Is it important for students to participate in extracurricular activities?

Middle school students are just beginning to explore formal debates, and these topics help them develop their skills in a fun, engaging way. They’re perfect for encouraging students to think critically about their school environment and community.

Interesting Debate Topics for Kids

  1. Should video game time be limited?
  1. Is it better to play outside or inside?
  1. Should every home have a pet?
  1. Is it better to give presents or receive them?
  1. Are cartoons a good way to learn?
  1. Should kids be allowed to choose their own bedtimes?
  1. Is it better to be good at sports or good at school?
  1. Should kids be paid for doing chores?
  1. Do aliens exist?
  1. Is it better to read books or watch TV?

Kids love debating everyday topics, and these fun, lighthearted questions allow them to express their opinions while learning the basics of formulating arguments and rebuttals.

Debate Topics on Social Issues

  1. Should the use of plastic be banned globally?
  1. Is it possible to achieve true gender equality?
  1. Should social media influencers be regulated?
  1. Is the education system biased against minority groups?
  1. Should mental health be prioritized in schools?
  1. Is global poverty solvable in our lifetime?
  1. Should the legal drinking age be lowered?
  1. Do governments have the right to monitor private citizens?
  1. Is the gig economy helping or hurting workers?
  1. Should immigration laws be more lenient?

Social issues provide some of the most engaging debate topics. These questions ask students to examine fairness, equality, and the role of institutions in society, making them perfect for in-depth discussions.

Debate Topics on Science and Technology

  1. Is human cloning ethical?
  1. Should gene editing be allowed in humans?
  1. Is space exploration worth the cost?
  1. Should electric cars be mandatory by 2030?
  1. Are we too dependent on technology?
  1. Is virtual reality the future of education?
  1. Should social media be age-restricted?
  1. Is nuclear energy the best solution for climate change?
  1. Should robots replace humans in dangerous jobs?
  1. Is artificial intelligence a threat to human jobs?

Funny Debate Topics for Teens

  1. Is it better to be a morning person or a night owl?
  1. Should pineapple be allowed on pizza?
  1. Is it better to have a pet dinosaur or a pet alien?
  1. Who makes better pets: dogs or cats?
  1. Is water wet?
  1. Would you rather live without your phone or TV for a week?
  1. Is cereal a soup?
  1. Should socks and sandals ever be worn together?
  1. Are superheroes better than supervillains?
  1. Is it better to always sing everything you say or always dance everywhere you go?
  1. Would you rather have the ability to fly or turn invisible?
  1. Is it better to have an unlimited supply of tacos or pizza?
  1. Is it okay to eat dessert for breakfast?
  1. Would you rather live in a world with no music or no movies?
  1. Are books better than movies?
  1. Would you rather time travel to the past or the future?
  1. Is it better to have no eyebrows or no eyelashes?
  1. Would you rather have a pet unicorn or a pet dragon?
  1. Is it more important to be famous or rich?
  1. Would you rather always be too hot or always be too cold?

20 Good Debate Topics for Teens

  1. Should schools switch to a four-day school week?
  1. Is social media more harmful or beneficial to teenagers?
  1. Should homework be banned in schools?
  1. Are eSports real sports?
  1. Should schools require uniforms?
  1. Is it better to learn a trade or attend college?
  1. Should smartphones be banned in classrooms?
  1. Is climate change the biggest threat to our generation?
  1. Should students be allowed to grade their teachers?
  1. Should high schools teach life skills like budgeting and cooking?
  1. Is it more important to focus on mental health than physical health?
  1. Should teens have access to birth control without parental consent?
  1. Is technology making teens more or less social?
  1. Should the driving age be lowered or raised?
  1. Should standardized tests determine your future?
  1. Should high school students be allowed to vote in local elections?
  1. Are reality TV shows harmful to society?
  1. Should teens be required to do volunteer work?
  1. Is it better to focus on academics or extracurricular activities?
  1. Should parents monitor their teens’ online activity?

These topics offer teens a blend of fun, light-hearted discussions as well as more serious, thoughtful debates to engage in!

With the rapid development of technology, science and tech topics have become increasingly relevant. These debate questions allow students to discuss innovations that shape our world while considering their long-term ethical implications.

Debates not only teach students how to articulate their opinions but also help them understand the value of listening to others and respecting differing viewpoints.

Whether you’re in high school, college, or middle school, the key to a great debate is choosing a topic that inspires passion and critical thinking.

So, pick a topic from our list, prepare your arguments, and get ready to engage in meaningful, thought-provoking discussions!

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