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Harvard Senior Makes History as First Indian-American Woman to Win Jeopardy! College Championship

Shriya Yarlagadda, a Harvard senior, has made history by becoming the first Indian-American woman to win the prestigious Jeopardy! College Championship. Yarlagadda, who is majoring in Molecular and Cellular Biology, competed against 14 other college students from across the country and emerged victorious, winning a prize of $100,000.

Yarlagadda’s victory on Jeopardy! has garnered widespread praise and attention, particularly among the Indian-American community, who have lauded her for breaking barriers and paving the way for future generations. Yarlagadda herself has spoken about the significance of her win, stating that she hopes to inspire others to pursue their passions and take risks.

In addition to her success on Jeopardy!, Yarlagadda is also a talented writer and activist. She has written for several publications, including The Harvard Crimson, and has been involved in various social justice and environmental causes.

Yarlagadda’s win on Jeopardy! is a testament to her intelligence, hard work, and dedication, as well as the importance of representation and diversity in media and academia. Her achievement serves as an inspiration to all those who have been told that their dreams are impossible, and as a reminder that with persistence and determination, anything is possible.

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