Questions to Ask

75 Best Questions To Ask Potential Roommates

Choosing the right roommate can make or break your living situation.

Whether you’re moving into an apartment for the first time, looking for a new living arrangement, or just trying to find the perfect person to share a home with, asking the right questions is essential.

Here’s a list of the 75 best questions to ask potential roommates to help ensure compatibility and avoid any surprises down the road.

Best Questions To Ask Potential Roommates

1. Lifestyle & Daily Habits

  1. What’s your typical daily routine like?
  1. Are you an early riser or a night owl?
  1. How often do you cook at home?
  1. Do you have any dietary restrictions or preferences?
  1. How do you feel about sharing food and groceries?
  1. Do you smoke or use any recreational substances?
  1. How do you feel about drinking alcohol at home?
  1. Are you someone who prefers a quiet home or one that’s more social?
  1. Do you often have people over?
  1. How do you typically spend your weekends?
  1. Do you exercise or go to the gym?
  1. What time do you usually go to bed and wake up?
  1. Do you need a lot of alone time, or do you prefer being around people?
  1. Do you like to keep the windows open for fresh air, or do you prefer climate control?
  1. How do you manage stress or tough days?

2. Cleaning & Chores

  1. How do you feel about keeping the apartment clean?
  1. Do you have a cleaning schedule or do you prefer to clean as needed?
  1. Which household chores do you dislike the most?
  1. How do you handle dirty dishes?
  1. Are you someone who leaves clothes around or prefers everything put away?
  1. How often do you deep clean the living space?
  1. Do you like to hire a cleaning service, or do everything yourself?
  1. What’s your tolerance level for clutter?
  1. How do you feel about sharing cleaning supplies and other household items?
  1. What do you think is the best way to split up household responsibilities?
  1. How do you feel about pets in the home (even if you don’t have any)?
  1. Do you have any allergies to common cleaning products or chemicals?

3. Personal Preferences

  1. Do you like to have background noise, like music or TV, when you’re home?
  1. What’s your ideal room temperature?
  1. Do you prefer to decorate the common areas together or separately?
  1. How much privacy do you need?
  1. How do you feel about having candles or incense in the home?
  1. What’s your approach to home security, like locking doors or closing windows?
  1. Do you take long showers or prefer quick ones?
  1. Do you need a quiet space to work or study at home?
  1. How much space do you need for your personal belongings in common areas?
  1. How do you feel about sharing appliances and electronics?

4. Work & Schedule

  1. What’s your current job, and what are your working hours like?
  1. Do you work from home or have a hybrid schedule?
  1. Do you often work late or come home late at night?
  1. How do you balance your work life with your personal life?
  1. Do you have a second job or side hustle?
  1. Are you in school or planning to go back to school soon?
  1. Do you need a dedicated workspace at home?
  1. How do you feel about taking calls or meetings from home?
  1. Does your work require you to travel often?
  1. How do you manage your time between work and home life?

5. Finances & Shared Expenses

  1. What’s your rent and utilities budget?
  1. How do you feel about splitting rent and utility costs?
  1. Do you prefer to share the cost of household items like paper towels, or keep expenses separate?
  1. How do you typically handle paying bills on time?
  1. Are you open to splitting other shared costs like streaming services or groceries?
  1. Do you plan on staying in the apartment long-term?
  1. Have you ever had financial struggles with previous roommates?
  1. How do you feel about a security deposit, and how should it be split?
  1. Are you someone who saves or spends more freely?
  1. Do you prefer to buy household supplies in bulk to save money?

6. Guests & Socializing

  1. How often do you have friends or family over?
  1. Do you host parties or social events often?
  1. How do you feel about overnight guests?
  1. Do you have a significant other, and how often would they visit or stay over?
  1. How do you feel about hosting large gatherings, like birthdays or holidays?
  1. How do you feel about guests using your personal belongings?
  1. Do you like to entertain in the apartment, or do you prefer to go out?
  1. What are your thoughts on having people over during the workweek?
  1. How should we communicate about having guests over, especially with little notice?

7. Conflict & Communication

  1. How do you handle conflict when it arises?
  2. How do you feel about regular check-ins to discuss living arrangements?
  1. What’s your preferred communication style (in person, texting, notes)?
  1. What’s something that would really annoy you about a roommate?
  1. How do you approach difficult conversations, like splitting costs or cleaning up?
  1. How do you feel about addressing issues immediately versus waiting for the right time?
  1. What are some pet peeves you’ve had with past roommates?
  1. How do you prefer to give and receive feedback on household issues?
  1. How do you deal with stress, and how can I help make home a calm place for you?


Asking the right questions upfront can save you from a lot of headaches later on. These 75 questions cover a wide range of topics—from lifestyle habits and preferences to financial responsibilities and conflict resolution.

By discussing these topics with potential roommates, you’ll have a better sense of whether your living styles are compatible, leading to a more harmonious living environment.

Happy roommate hunting!

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