Questions to Ask

100 Thanksgiving Trivia Questions to Ask: Fun, Food, and Festivities

Thanksgiving is a time to gather with loved ones, enjoy a hearty meal, and create lasting memories. But in between the turkey and the pumpkin pie, why not add a little fun with some trivia?

Whether you’re hosting a large family gathering or a cozy Friendsgiving, these 100 Thanksgiving trivia questions will spark conversations, laughter, and maybe a bit of friendly competition.

From historical facts to food fun and pop culture, this trivia game is the perfect way to keep the festive spirit alive throughout the celebration.

Thanksgiving Trivia Questions to Ask

1. Thanksgiving History Trivia

  1. In what year was the first Thanksgiving celebrated?
    Answer: 1621
  1. Which president proclaimed Thanksgiving a national holiday?
    Answer: Abraham Lincoln
  1. Which Native American tribe celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims?
    Answer: Wampanoag
  1. What was the name of the ship the Pilgrims sailed on to America?
    Answer: The Mayflower
  1. How long did the first Thanksgiving celebration last?
    Answer: Three days
  1. Which state was the first to adopt Thanksgiving as an annual holiday?
    Answer: New York
  1. In what year did Thanksgiving become an official U.S. holiday?
    Answer: 1863
  1. Which president moved Thanksgiving up a week to extend the holiday shopping season?
    Answer: Franklin D. Roosevelt
  1. Which bird did Benjamin Franklin propose as the national bird of the United States?
    Answer: Turkey
  1. What was the main dish served at the first Thanksgiving?
    Answer: Venison (deer), not turkey

2. Food & Drink Trivia

  1. Which pie is most commonly associated with Thanksgiving?
    Answer: Pumpkin pie
  1. What is a baby turkey called?
    Answer: Poult
  1. What is the name of the sauce made from cranberries often served at Thanksgiving?
    Answer: Cranberry sauce
  1. What is a turducken?
    Answer: A dish consisting of a deboned chicken stuffed into a deboned duck, which is then stuffed into a deboned turkey.
  1. How many calories does the average American consume on Thanksgiving Day?
    Answer: About 4,500 calories
  1. What type of bread is used to make traditional Thanksgiving stuffing?
    Answer: Stale or day-old bread, usually white or cornbread
  1. What is the most popular Thanksgiving side dish in the United States?
    Answer: Mashed potatoes
  1. What meat did the Native Americans bring to the first Thanksgiving?
    Answer: Venison
  1. Which U.S. city is known for its turkey-trot running race, held on Thanksgiving Day?
    Answer: Dallas
  1. Which vegetable was traditionally grown by Native Americans and became a staple at Thanksgiving?
    Answer: Corn (maize)

3. Pop Culture & Entertainment Trivia

  1. Which TV show had a famous Thanksgiving episode featuring a “Turkey Drop”?
    Answer: WKRP in Cincinnati
  1. Which sitcom featured a Thanksgiving episode where a character put a turkey on their head?
    Answer: Friends (Monica)
  1. In the movie “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles,” what are the characters trying to do?
    Answer: Get home in time for Thanksgiving
  1. Which animated TV special features the song “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving”?
    Answer: A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
  1. In which movie does a character say, “I’m stuffed to the gills”?
    Answer: Addams Family Values
  1. What football team always plays on Thanksgiving Day?
    Answer: The Detroit Lions
  1. Which Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon was the first to be based on a TV character?
    Answer: Felix the Cat
  1. In “Friends,” who gets their head stuck inside a turkey?
    Answer: Joey
  1. Which actor famously recited “Alice’s Restaurant” during Thanksgiving?
    Answer: Arlo Guthrie
  1. What was the name of the Thanksgiving-themed episode in the series “How I Met Your Mother”?
    Answer: Slapsgiving

4. Thanksgiving Around the World Trivia

  1. Which country celebrates Thanksgiving on the second Monday in October?
    Answer: Canada
  1. What is the name of the harvest festival celebrated in Japan that is similar to Thanksgiving?
    Answer: Kinrō Kansha no Hi (Labor Thanksgiving Day)
  1. In which country is the Erntedankfest, a harvest thanksgiving festival, celebrated?
    Answer: Germany
  1. Which Caribbean country celebrates a version of Thanksgiving on October 9?
    Answer: Grenada
  1. What is the name of the Dutch holiday that is similar to Thanksgiving?
    Answer: Dankdag (Day of Thanks)
  1. Which country celebrates Chuseok, a harvest festival similar to Thanksgiving?
    Answer: South Korea
  1. In Liberia, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the first Thursday of which month?
    Answer: November
  1. Which island nation celebrates Thanksgiving as a day of prayer and fasting?
    Answer: Norfolk Island
  1. Which African country celebrates a Thanksgiving festival called Homowo?
    Answer: Ghana
  1. Which European country celebrates a harvest festival called Vendemmia?
    Answer: Italy

5. Friendsgiving & Modern Thanksgiving Traditions

  1. What year did the term “Friendsgiving” first appear?
    Answer: Around 2007
  1. Which streaming platform popularized Friendsgiving with themed episodes?
    Answer: Netflix
  1. What is the most common drink served at Friendsgiving?
    Answer: Wine
  1. What day is Friendsgiving traditionally celebrated on?
    Answer: The Wednesday before or the Friday after Thanksgiving
  1. Which U.S. state consumes the most turkey per capita?
    Answer: California
  1. What modern Friendsgiving tradition involves sharing what you’re thankful for?
    Answer: Gratitude circle
  1. Which Friendsgiving tradition involves guests bringing dishes to share?
    Answer: Potluck
  1. What popular side dish at Friendsgiving combines sweet potatoes and marshmallows?
    Answer: Sweet potato casserole
  1. Which Friendsgiving activity involves crafting and decorating?
    Answer: DIY pumpkin decorating
  1. What is a common dessert served at Friendsgiving, apart from pie?
    Answer: Brownies or cookies

6. Thanksgiving Facts & Figures

  1. How many turkeys are cooked in the U.S. each Thanksgiving?
    Answer: About 46 million
  1. How many pumpkin pies are consumed each Thanksgiving?
    Answer: About 50 million
  1. Which state is the largest producer of cranberries?
    Answer: Wisconsin
  1. How many pounds of potatoes are consumed on Thanksgiving?
    Answer: About 250 million pounds
  1. What percentage of Americans eat turkey on Thanksgiving?
    Answer: About 88%
  1. Which country exports the most turkey to the U.S. for Thanksgiving?
    Answer: Mexico
  1. What is the average cost of a Thanksgiving dinner for 10 people?
    Answer: Around $50
  1. Which state grows the most pumpkins?
    Answer: Illinois
  1. What is the most popular pie flavor for Thanksgiving in the U.S.?
    Answer: Pumpkin pie
  1. How much does the average American gain during the Thanksgiving holiday?
    Answer: About 1 to 2 pounds

Friendsgiving Trivia Questions to Ask

7. Fun Thanksgiving & Friendsgiving Traditions

  1. What is the name of the parade held annually in New York City on Thanksgiving?
    Answer: Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
  1. What’s the traditional post-Thanksgiving activity involving shopping?
    Answer: Black Friday shopping
  1. What sport is most commonly associated with Thanksgiving?
    Answer: Football
  1. What Thanksgiving tradition involves breaking a bird bone for good luck?
    Answer: Breaking the wishbone
  1. What is the tradition of pardoning a turkey?
    Answer: The President of the United States pardons a live turkey from being cooked for Thanksgiving.
  1. What time does the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade typically start?
    Answer: 9 AM Eastern Time
  1. What is the most popular Thanksgiving dessert?
    Answer: Pumpkin pie
  1. Which cartoon character is featured as a balloon in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade?
    Answer: Snoopy
  1. What traditional Thanksgiving game involves a hat and a lot of laughs?
    Answer: Thanksgiving charades
  1. What annual TV special is watched by many Americans on Thanksgiving?
    Answer: The National Dog Show

8. Thanksgiving Foods & Drinks Trivia

  1. What Thanksgiving dish is made from bread, herbs, and sometimes sausage?
    Answer: Stuffing
  1. What fruit is commonly used in a sauce served with turkey?
    Answer: Cranberries
  1. What Thanksgiving dessert is made from a gourd?
    Answer: Pumpkin pie
  1. What is the name of the sweet dish often topped with marshmallows and served at Thanksgiving?
    Answer: Sweet potato casserole
  1. What green vegetable is often used in a casserole at Thanksgiving?
    Answer: Green beans
  1. What popular Thanksgiving drink is made from apples?
    Answer: Apple cider
  1. Which type of pie, other than pumpkin, is commonly served at Thanksgiving?
    Answer: Pecan pie
  1. What is the name of the bread often baked in the shape of a cornucopia for Thanksgiving?
    Answer: Cornbread
  1. Which type of sauce made from meat drippings is often poured over turkey and mashed potatoes?
    Answer: Gravy
  1. What is the name of the side dish made with potatoes, milk, and butter?
    Answer: Mashed potatoes

9. Thanksgiving Day Fun Facts

  1. How many years has the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade been running?
    Answer: Since 1924
  1. Which Thanksgiving tradition involves watching a big game?
    Answer: Watching NFL football
  1. What’s the name of the famous Thanksgiving balloon character that often crashes?
    Answer: Snoopy
  1. What U.S. state consumes the most turkey?
    Answer: California
  1. What dish was served at the first Thanksgiving that is not commonly served today?
    Answer: Fish
  1. How many pies does the average American eat on Thanksgiving?
    Answer: About one slice, or roughly 0.14 pies
  1. What annual Thanksgiving activity involves a run or walk to benefit charity?
    Answer: Turkey Trot
  1. What popular TV sitcom has numerous Thanksgiving episodes?
    Answer: Friends
  1. What Thanksgiving tradition involves a big dinner with friends instead of family?
    Answer: Friendsgiving
  1. Which Thanksgiving-themed song was the first ever to be played in space?
    Answer: “Jingle Bells”

10. Friendsgiving & Modern Thanksgiving

  1. What year did Friendsgiving become widely popular?
    Answer: Around 2010
  1. Which type of drink is commonly enjoyed at Friendsgiving?
    Answer: Wine or cocktails
  1. What is the most common dish brought to a Friendsgiving potluck?
    Answer: Mac and cheese
  1. Which Friendsgiving activity involves sharing what you’re thankful for?
    Answer: Gratitude circle or thankfulness sharing
  1. What’s the name of the social media platform where Friendsgiving became a trend?
    Answer: Instagram
  1. Which type of Friendsgiving dish often has a creative twist on a traditional recipe?
    Answer: Fusion dishes (e.g., taco stuffing, pumpkin curry)
  1. What is the most popular dessert at Friendsgiving?
    Answer: Brownies or cookies
  1. What’s a common Friendsgiving party game?
    Answer: Friendsgiving bingo or trivia
  1. Which popular Friendsgiving drink often has a seasonal twist?
    Answer: Pumpkin spice cocktails or apple cider sangria
  1. What’s the most important part of Friendsgiving?
    Answer: The friends, of course!

Whether you’re using these trivia questions to entertain your guests during dinner or as a fun activity afterward, they’re sure to bring a lot of joy and maybe even a few surprises.

Thanksgiving is about more than just food; it’s about making connections and sharing moments with those you care about.

So, as you gather around the table, let these trivia questions remind you of the history, traditions, and fun that make Thanksgiving such a special holiday. Happy Thanksgiving!

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