Kids Question Game

85 First Day of School Questions to Ask Kids About School

The first day of school marks a fresh beginning filled with excitement, nerves, and curiosity.

Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or student, asking the right questions can make all the difference in understanding experiences and setting expectations.

This guide explores key questions to ask on the first day of school, covering conversations with kids about their day, insights from students, and valuable interactions with teachers.

Read Also: 20 Fun and Engaging First Day of School Activities for Kids

Let’s dive into how these questions can enrich the back-to-school experience for everyone involved.

First Day of School Questions to Ask Kids About School

First Day of School Questions to Ask Kids About School
First Day of School Questions to Ask Kids About School

General Questions

  1. How was your first day of school?
  1. What was the best part of your day?
  1. Did you make any new friends today?
  1. What is your teacher’s name and what do you think of them?
  1. Did you learn anything new and exciting?

Classroom Experience

  1. Can you tell me about the classroom setup? Where do you sit?
  1. What subject did you enjoy the most today?
  1. Was there anything that surprised you about your class?
  1. Did you have any fun activities or games in class?
  1. What did you think about your homework for the first day?

First Day Of School Questions For Kids

Social Interactions

  1. Who did you sit with at lunch?
  1. Did you meet any new classmates that you think you’ll be friends with?
  1. Did you talk to anyone new during recess?
  1. Did you help anyone today, or did anyone help you?
  1. How did you feel about the other kids in your class?

Recess and Breaks

  1. What did you do during recess?
  1. Did you try any new games or activities?
  1. Who did you play with outside?
  1. Did you see any of your old friends from last year?
  1. Was there anything different about recess compared to last year?

Feelings and Emotions

  1. Were you nervous about anything today?
  1. What made you feel happy today?
  1. Was there anything that made you feel sad or uncomfortable?
  1. Did anything make you laugh today?
  1. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?

Subjects and Learning

  1. What was the first thing you learned today?
  1. Did you find any subjects particularly easy or difficult?
  1. Was there a subject you wish you had more time to learn about?
  1. Did your teacher introduce any new topics?
  1. How do you feel about the subjects you will be learning this year?

Teacher and Class Environment

  1. What did your teacher do to make the class interesting?
  1. Did your teacher have any special rules or routines?
  1. How did your teacher explain the classroom rules?
  1. Did you get a chance to ask any questions?
  1. How did your teacher greet the class?

127 Back To School Quotes For The First Day of School!  Perfect for kids on their first day, these quotes will motivate and bring positivity to the new school year.

First Day of School Questions List

Goals and Expectations

  1. Do you have any goals for this school year?
  1. What are you most looking forward to learning?
  1. Did your teacher talk about what you will be doing this year?
  1. Are there any projects or assignments you’re excited about?
  1. What do you hope to achieve by the end of the year?


  1. Did you eat all your lunch today? What did you like the most?
  1. Did you bring home any important papers or notices?
  1. What is one thing you learned today that you think I should know?
  1. Did anything funny or unexpected happen?
  1. Was there anything you didn’t like about today?

Reflective Questions

  1. What would you change about today if you could?
  1. What was the most interesting thing you heard today?
  1. Is there something you’re worried about for tomorrow?
  1. What do you think will be your favorite thing about this year?
  1. How can I help make your school year great?

The first day of school sets the tone for the rest of the year, and having a conversation about it can help children process their experiences and emotions.

These questions are designed to go beyond the usual “How was your day?” and encourage kids to share more about their thoughts and feelings.

Remember, the key is to listen actively and show genuine interest in their responses. Happy chatting!

15 Questions to Ask Your Students On The First Day of School

15 Questions to Ask Your Students On The First Day of School
15 Questions to Ask Your Students On The First Day of School

The first day of school sets the tone for the entire academic year. As a teacher, getting to know your students and creating a welcoming environment is crucial. Here are 15 thoughtful questions to ask your students on their first day back:

  1. What would you like me to know about you as your teacher?
  1. What are you most excited about this school year?
  1. Is there anything you’re nervous about or need help with?
  1. What are your favorite subjects or activities in school?
  1. Do you have any goals or things you want to achieve this year?
  1. What kind of learner do you think you are (visual, auditory, hands-on)?
  1. How do you like to learn best?
  1. What do you like to do outside of school?
  1. Tell me about a book or movie you enjoyed recently.
  1. Who is someone you look up to, and why?
  1. What do you think makes a great classroom environment?
  1. How can I support you to make this a successful year?
  1. What’s something you’ve learned over the summer that you’d like to share?
  1. Is there a particular skill or subject you’d like to improve in?
  1. What are you curious to learn more about this year?

These questions are designed to foster meaningful conversations, build rapport, and gain insights into your students’ interests, strengths, and challenges right from the start.

By asking these questions on the first day of school, you can create a positive classroom atmosphere and set the stage for a productive and engaging school year ahead.

20 Questions to Ask Your Teacher On The First Day of School

20 Questions to Ask Your Teacher On The First Day of School
20 Questions to Ask Your Teacher On The First Day of School

The first day of school is not just about teachers getting to know their students; it’s also a great opportunity for students to learn more about their teachers. Here are 20 questions you can ask your teacher to start off the school year on a positive note:

  1. What do you like most about teaching this subject/grade?
    • Understanding your teacher’s passion can give insight into what makes their class special.
  1. How long have you been teaching?
    • Knowing their experience level helps you gauge their familiarity with teaching and the subject matter.
  1. What are your expectations for our class this year?
    • Clarifying expectations early on helps you understand what your teacher hopes to achieve together.
  1. What can we do to make your job easier?
    • Showing willingness to cooperate and help fosters a supportive classroom environment.
  1. Do you have any classroom rules or expectations we should know about?
    • Understanding rules and expectations sets a positive tone for behavior and engagement.
  1. How do you prefer to communicate with students (email, in person, etc.)?
    • Knowing how best to reach your teacher ensures effective communication throughout the year.
  1. Are there any upcoming projects or assignments we should be aware of?
    • Being prepared for future assignments helps you plan and manage your workload effectively.
  1. What are your favorite books or authors?
    • Discovering your teacher’s literary interests can spark conversations and recommendations.
  1. What’s something interesting about you that we might not know?
    • Learning personal facts can humanize your teacher and make interactions more meaningful.
  1. How can students best prepare for your class?
    • Knowing how to prepare helps you approach lessons with confidence and readiness.
  1. What’s your favorite part about the school year?
    • Sharing in your teacher’s enthusiasm for certain aspects of the year can build rapport.
  1. How do you handle homework and late assignments?
    • Understanding policies on homework and deadlines ensures you meet expectations.
  1. What are your office hours or times when we can ask for extra help?
    • Knowing when your teacher is available for assistance supports your learning outside of class.
  1. Are there any classroom traditions or activities you typically do?
    • Participating in class traditions can enrich your school experience and create lasting memories.
  1. What are your pet peeves as a teacher?
    • Being aware of your teacher’s dislikes helps you avoid behaviors that might disrupt the class.
  1. How do you like to celebrate student achievements?
    • Understanding how your teacher recognizes success motivates you to strive for excellence.
  1. What do you hope students will take away from your class?
    • Learning your teacher’s goals for your education helps you focus on valuable outcomes.
  1. Is there a particular lesson or topic you’re excited to teach us?
    • Sharing your teacher’s enthusiasm for upcoming lessons can increase your interest and engagement.
  1. How do you accommodate different learning styles in your classroom?
    • Knowing how your teacher supports diverse learning needs ensures everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed.
  1. What advice do you have for students to succeed in your class?
    • Hearing your teacher’s tips for success provides guidance on how to excel academically and behaviorally.

Asking these questions on the first day of school or early in the year shows your initiative and interest in making the most out of your educational experience.

It not only helps you understand your teacher better but also sets a positive tone for communication and collaboration throughout the school year.

Don’t hesitate to engage with your teacher—it’s the first step toward building a supportive and productive learning environment.

Final Thoughts,

Starting the school year with meaningful questions sets a positive tone for learning and connection.

Whether you’re sparking conversation with kids about their day, engaging students to understand their goals, or learning from teachers about their expectations, these questions foster understanding and build a supportive school community.

Use these insights to make each first day of school a successful and enriching experience for all.

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